what is Value-Based Pricing?

what is Value-Based Pricing?

We talked about scope creep in a previous installment of this series. I mention it again because scope creep happens when you, the client, want newly defined value from the work being delivered without adding to the value you’re providing to your vendor. This is a...
Authenticity in B2B Branding

Authenticity in B2B Branding

Building trust and connections is crucial for B2B brands. We’ve all been throwing around the word “authenticity.” Maybe the word should be “trustability.”  And whether or not your brand can achieve this begins with a question you—really, your company—has to ask...
Using Video for Recruiting

Using Video for Recruiting

Let’s keep humans hiring humans. In the era of AI voiceovers, chatbots, and the race toward automation, what your brand really needs is some good ole HUMANIZATION. Gen-u-wine, real-life people, talking to real-life people. That’s right, if you’re a large tech company,...