
Let’s keep humans hiring humans.

In the era of AI voiceovers, chatbots, and the race toward automation, what your brand really needs is some good ole HUMANIZATION. Gen-u-wine, real-life people, talking to real-life people.

That’s right, if you’re a large tech company, a financial institution, or a healthcare provider, chances are that you’re fighting the perception of being seen as impersonal corporate giants who are only focused on innovation and efficiency (and when we say “efficiency” what we’re really saying is profit margins). We get it! But humanizing your brand is essential for building long-term relationships with customers and employees, fostering loyalty, and standing out in a crowded marketplace.

It is especially important when recruiting top-tier talent. After all, that talent does not only do the work, provide the service, and take care of the customer; that talent also becomes the brand.

That’s where video comes in. Using video in your recruitment strategy can be an effective way to convert potential job candidates into brand ambassadors and loyalists.

Here’s why:

Video Personalizes the Recruiting Process

Videos that feature current employees, leadership, and testimonials, humanize the recruiting process, making it more relatable while showcasing the people behind the brand.

Video Shows and Tells, Company Culture

It is statistically verifiable that video content captivates and engages viewers more effectively than text or images alone. This makes it easier to communicate the company culture, workplace environment, and job opportunities in a compelling way. It’s really just common sense. Will people understand more about who you are and what your culture is like by reading about it only or seeing and hearing a human talking and showing other humans about it?

Video Increases Reach & Engagement

Highly shareable across social media platforms, video content can reach a wider audience, increasing exposure to potential candidates, friends of friends, and customers of customers, who may not have considered the company otherwise.

Using video in your recruitment and marketing strategies will transform your brand from a faceless entity into a relatable and trusted partner in employees’ and customers’ lives.

Are you ready to create some new recruitment video?

Let’s gets started.

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