by jklugh | Oct 28, 2020 | Thought Leadership
Sure, you’re innovative. But if you’re so innovative, why are you still using the word “innovative?” All of its power has been taken by motivational posters and About Us pages. “Innovative” no longer means “creating new and different things.” It means “we needed...
by samoddo | May 15, 2020 | Thought Leadership
Sam Oddo, Creative Director, offers practical advice for creating video content in a time of social distancing. By now, you’ve heard this a thousand times: COVID-19 has caused chaos around the globe, re-defining the concept of “normalcy” for everyone – brands...
by mdeville | Oct 15, 2019 | Thought Leadership
Matt DeVille, VP of Digital, takes a critical look at fake authenticity, transparency, greenwashing, and wokewashing. Brands fake authenticity all the time. Frankly, it’s offputting. So why do they do it? Simple: “Authenticity” and “Transparency” have become very...