Thought Leadership

Why it’s OK to fail (as long as it’s fast)

Why it’s OK to fail (as long as it’s fast)

Ryan Hall, Director of Brand Strategy, shares how and why it's OK to fail quickly: if you incorporate some relatively cheap and easy testing functions at each step, then you can validate as you go. What keeps a creative team up at night? Upcoming client meeting?...

Yes, even your B2B tech company needs a great website

Yes, even your B2B tech company needs a great website

Matt DeVille, VP of Digital, shares why your B2B website and digital presence validates your commitment to building a company, and why it needs to speak to users on an emotional level. Over the course of my 20-year career building digital experiences for tech...

Creative Managers: Changing Your Relationship to Time

Creative Managers: Changing Your Relationship to Time

To continue his Creative Managers series, Steve Smallman, CEO and co-founder, shares three suggestions for how to change your relationship to time: get in, listen carefully, and offer input to creative teams. When I first started as a creative professional, I...

Creative Managers: Stop Feeling Threatened and Start Hiring

Creative Managers: Stop Feeling Threatened and Start Hiring

In his Creative Managers series, Steve Smallman, CEO and co-founder, shares what it means to start hiring people that are "better" than you and why it's crucial for the success of your team. Who’s More Talented Than You? “Hire people who are more talented than you.”...

The Creative Manager’s Challenge: Moving from Doer to Enabler

The Creative Manager’s Challenge: Moving from Doer to Enabler

To kick off his Creative Managers series, Steve Smallman, CEO and co-founder, shares why moving from creative professional to creative manager is the only way to scale yourself and your creative vision (and why you will find a lot of joy along the way). Every creative...

Manifestly Digital

Manifestly Digital

  Manifestly Digital was originally published at   We are Digital. A sense of reverence for print will live on for years, but ultimately we are living in a post-print society where information is communicated and consumed digitally....