Thought Leadership

WordPress 101: Should I Use a Page Builder?

WordPress 101: Should I Use a Page Builder?

I’ve worked with WordPress for a long time. I spent a good 7 years designing and building custom themes, during which time I saw the tool EVOLVE. While WordPress is not the most sophisticated CMS on the market, when you add quality plugins and custom functionality,...

Revisiting Your Values

Revisiting Your Values

Sometimes, small changes you’re forced to make reveal bigger ones you may need to make. The last nine months have given all of us the chance to do a bit of reflecting and evaluation. Many companies, including ours, have had to navigate near-death experiences....

Is Code Dead?

Is Code Dead?

In a recent post, I posed the question “Is WordPress Dead?” I was quick to answer no. I’m back with another question, which is more difficult to answer, in my humble opinion. First, a little history I started designing and building websites in 2000. At the time, this...

How to Interview in the 21st Century

How to Interview in the 21st Century

Now 150% better with the addition of relevant musical selections sprinkled throughout the post,  for your entertainment! Usually I blog about UX or WordPress or other things that interest me, like B2B2C. Today, I want to talk about interviewing. Why? Lately, I’ve been...

Let’s Find Some New Words to Use  When We Talk About Your Brand

Let’s Find Some New Words to Use When We Talk About Your Brand

Sure, you’re innovative. But if you’re so innovative, why are you still using the word “innovative?” All of its power has been taken by motivational posters and About Us pages. “Innovative” no longer means “creating new and different things.” It means “we needed...

The Box Talk

The Box Talk

[embed_guy source=""] Look, we get it. You’re creative. You have an art degree. You wear a fun hat. You have thoughts about “Devs.” And nobody is going to put you in a box. Marketing is a space in which creative people can...

How to Write Better Blog Posts

How to Write Better Blog Posts

Start writing better brand content I’ve talked about creating a content calendar and establishing relevant content categories for your brand, but today we’re going to talk about how to write better content for your brand (to be used on any channel) by understanding...

Your Brand is Having a Moment

Your Brand is Having a Moment

[embed_guy tag="figure" source=""] Moments. Life is made of them. From the forgettable to the pivotal; from waiting for the bus to the birth of your first born, they create the lives we’re living, the roads we go down, and the...

What is a Design Pattern?

What is a Design Pattern?

In the early days of the web, design was a bit of a free-for-all. Grid systems, although used for centuries in print design, were non-existent. Early designers valued unique designs that highlighted a designer’s personality. As the web and devices have matured and...