thought leadership
you’ve entered area 15…a space designed for Fifteen4 news, advice, commentary, storytelling, and cryptozoological sightings. Here is where we keep all the content that gives you a clearer picture of who we are, what we do, and they many ways to tell a brand story, without resorting to buzzwords like “data-driven paradigm shift” or “brand story.”
Fifteen4: The Origin Story
Fifteen4 is 20 years old! And while we don’t want to make you too sick of hearing this, we are going to celebrate for more than a minute. Many clients over the years have asked us where the name came from and what it means. In 2004, our family lived in a row-house in...
Fifteen4: The Origin Story
Fifteen4 is 20 years old! And while we don’t want to make you too sick of hearing this, we are going to celebrate for more than a minute. Many clients over the years have asked us where the name came from and what it means. In 2004, our family lived in a row-house in...
The Fifteen4 Holiday Special 2020
Run, Run, Rudolph! It's the most wonderful time of year, so the Fifteen4 team compiled all their favorite holiday tunes into a curated collection of holly jolly favorites for you to enjoy. From egg nog to snowball fights and gift-giving to festive lights, it's time to...
Finding Your Way In with Justin Klugh
This one’s about: baseball, complicated storylines and huge worlds made out of LEGOS, and the importance of mentors. Fighting the good fight in the name of Narrative, Narratology, and — if you will — Wordology. How does one decide to pursue the glory of copywriting?...
Is Code Dead?
In a recent post, I posed the question “Is WordPress Dead?” I was quick to answer no. I’m back with another question, which is more difficult to answer, in my humble opinion. First, a little history I started designing and building websites in 2000. At the time, this...
How to Interview in the 21st Century
Now 150% better with the addition of relevant musical selections sprinkled throughout the post, for your entertainment! Usually I blog about UX or WordPress or other things that interest me, like B2B2C. Today, I want to talk about interviewing. Why? Lately, I’ve been...
Let’s Find Some New Words to Use When We Talk About Your Brand
Sure, you’re innovative. But if you’re so innovative, why are you still using the word “innovative?” All of its power has been taken by motivational posters and About Us pages. “Innovative” no longer means “creating new and different things.” It means “we needed...
What Does it All Mean? Inside the World of Design with Casey Hawes
This one’s about: The golden age of Nintendo, Reebok Pumps, TMNT, and GI Joe. Vinyl may be final, but do album covers mean anything anymore? How do the interests and hobbies we have as youngsters inform what career choices we make? And more importantly, how many pairs...
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thought leadership
Thoughts, opinions, education...things that will make your professional life better.
Every episode of the branding world's greatest podcast: The Design of Experience.
The latest happenings within and around the agency.
Employee and office musings. Usually humorous, always feel-good.