by fifteen4 | May 30, 2024 | Thought Leadership
More than an acronym, B.A.N.T. was a sales methodology originally developed by IBM to help their team prioritize leads and opportunities for the company. There are a ton of resources available on this method, but here’s the TL;DR version. Unless your target has...
by fifteen4 | May 16, 2024 | Thought Leadership
If there are two words that describe the dynamic, supercharged atmosphere of 21st Century business it’s these: Private Equity. If your company has matured beyond a start-up but isn’t large enough to go public, there’s a good chance you’ve either been acquired by a PE...
by ssmallman | Mar 31, 2020 | Thought Leadership
Before you even start reading, we need to be straightforward with you: adapting your brand to the moment cannot be solved in three easy steps. This article will not give you a quick-fix to the moment we are all in because we don’t believe there is a lasting quick-fix...
by emily wolf | Jul 24, 2019 | Thought Leadership
Emily Wolf, web designer, shares why finding a brand’s authentic reason for being is the only way to craft genuine and relatable storytelling in marketing (and why it’s worth it). Storytelling is definitely a marketing and branding buzzword right now. Here are two...
by mdeville | Jul 16, 2019 | Thought Leadership
Matt DeVille, VP of Digital, breaks down the meaning of B2B2C marketing, how it came to be, and why it’s so important to make a mindset shift from B2B to B2B2C (hint: it’s all about experiences). What I Mean When I Say B2B2C Marketing Ready to deconstruct some...