thought leadership
you’ve entered area 15…a space designed for Fifteen4 news, advice, commentary, storytelling, and cryptozoological sightings. Here is where we keep all the content that gives you a clearer picture of who we are, what we do, and they many ways to tell a brand story, without resorting to buzzwords like “data-driven paradigm shift” or “brand story.”
Let’s talk about scope creep
Let’s talk about scope creep. It’s not the latest villain in a summer superhero movie, but it can be just as menacing to your projects. Scope creep happens when everybody THINKS they’ve agreed on what they wanted at the start of a project, but then, like that one...
Let’s talk about scope creep
Let’s talk about scope creep. It’s not the latest villain in a summer superhero movie, but it can be just as menacing to your projects. Scope creep happens when everybody THINKS they’ve agreed on what they wanted at the start of a project, but then, like that one...
Creative Managers: Changing Your Relationship to Time
To continue his Creative Managers series, Steve Smallman, CEO and co-founder, shares three suggestions for how to change your relationship to time: get in, listen carefully, and offer input to creative teams. When I first started as a creative professional, I...
Creative Managers: Stop Feeling Threatened and Start Hiring
In his Creative Managers series, Steve Smallman, CEO and co-founder, shares what it means to start hiring people that are "better" than you and why it's crucial for the success of your team. Who’s More Talented Than You? “Hire people who are more talented than you.”...
The Creative Manager’s Challenge: Moving from Doer to Enabler
To kick off his Creative Managers series, Steve Smallman, CEO and co-founder, shares why moving from creative professional to creative manager is the only way to scale yourself and your creative vision (and why you will find a lot of joy along the way). Every creative...
Manifestly Digital
Manifestly Digital was originally published at We are Digital. A sense of reverence for print will live on for years, but ultimately we are living in a post-print society where information is communicated and consumed digitally....
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thought leadership
Thoughts, opinions, education...things that will make your professional life better.
Every episode of the branding world's greatest podcast: The Design of Experience.
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Employee and office musings. Usually humorous, always feel-good.