More than an acronym, B.A.N.T. was a sales methodology originally developed by IBM to help their team prioritize leads and opportunities for the company. There are a ton of resources available on this method, but here’s the TL;DR version. Unless your target has...
Is Code Dead?

Is Code Dead?

In a recent post, I posed the question “Is WordPress Dead?” I was quick to answer no. I’m back with another question, which is more difficult to answer, in my humble opinion. First, a little history I started designing and building websites in 2000. At the time, this...
How to Interview in the 21st Century

How to Interview in the 21st Century

Now 150% better with the addition of relevant musical selections sprinkled throughout the post,  for your entertainment! Usually I blog about UX or WordPress or other things that interest me, like B2B2C. Today, I want to talk about interviewing. Why? Lately, I’ve been...
Creative Journeys are Rarely Linear

Creative Journeys are Rarely Linear

In August, I received an email from Dr. Mas Biswas of Loyola University Maryland asking if I would be interested in speaking to his Capstone Class, which is focused on web and graphic design. To be honest, I didn’t know what a capstone class was, but after a quick...