Thought Leadership

you just got acquired?!

you just got acquired?!

If there are two words that describe the dynamic, supercharged atmosphere of 21st Century business it’s these: Private Equity. If your company has matured beyond a start-up but isn’t large enough to go public, there’s a good chance you’ve either been acquired by a PE...

5 interview best practices

5 interview best practices

Ah, the talking head video. It was all the rage in 2005, as the world thrilled to the sight of interview and direct address videos populating corporate websites around the globe. Twenty years later they don’t feel quite as novel, but they’re still incredibly useful....

brand mindfulness

brand mindfulness

Over the past few years, the word ‘mindfulness’ has been a trending term on our social media channels, in podcasts, celebrity interviews, and maybe even during our IRL (that’s ‘in real life,’ for the over-40 crowd) conversations. But what does it actually mean?...

Navigating a Multi-Vendor Landscape

Navigating a Multi-Vendor Landscape

Remember the good old days when your marketing team only had one agency relationship to manage? We don’t either - that was a long time ago! For most in-house teams, managing numerous agencies has been the norm for years. Some of our larger clients employ different...

The 80/20/20/80 Rule

The 80/20/20/80 Rule

The distinction between B2C and B2B marketing is a heavily covered topic across the marketing content sphere. A Google search of ‘the difference between B2B and B2C marketing’ yields content written by sources from LinkedIn to Hubspot to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce....

How to Take Feedback Like a Champ

How to Take Feedback Like a Champ

Feedback. It’s part of every creative process, and in the early phases, that means copywriting. In between rounds, everybody stands over the script and cross-talks about what they do and don’t like, and in the end, the writing improves (theoretically). It’s the nature...

Rediscovering Wonder

Rediscovering Wonder

This article was originally published by Matthew DeVille on Medium. Spring is a time of renewal and rejoicing for many. For some, however, it is a time of turmoil. Why? Maybe it has to do with pollen, but it likely has more to do with expectations. After hunkering...