Thought Leadership

How to Take Feedback Like a Champ

How to Take Feedback Like a Champ

Feedback. It’s part of every creative process, and in the early phases, that means copywriting. In between rounds, everybody stands over the script and cross-talks about what they do and don’t like, and in the end, the writing improves (theoretically). It’s the nature...

Rediscovering Wonder

Rediscovering Wonder

This article was originally published by Matthew DeVille on Medium. Spring is a time of renewal and rejoicing for many. For some, however, it is a time of turmoil. Why? Maybe it has to do with pollen, but it likely has more to do with expectations. After hunkering...

WordPress 101: Should I Use a Page Builder?

WordPress 101: Should I Use a Page Builder?

I’ve worked with WordPress for a long time. I spent a good 7 years designing and building custom themes, during which time I saw the tool EVOLVE. While WordPress is not the most sophisticated CMS on the market, when you add quality plugins and custom functionality,...

Revisiting Your Values

Revisiting Your Values

Sometimes, small changes you’re forced to make reveal bigger ones you may need to make. The last nine months have given all of us the chance to do a bit of reflecting and evaluation. Many companies, including ours, have had to navigate near-death experiences....

Is Code Dead?

Is Code Dead?

In a recent post, I posed the question “Is WordPress Dead?” I was quick to answer no. I’m back with another question, which is more difficult to answer, in my humble opinion. First, a little history I started designing and building websites in 2000. At the time, this...

How to Interview in the 21st Century

How to Interview in the 21st Century

Now 150% better with the addition of relevant musical selections sprinkled throughout the post,  for your entertainment! Usually I blog about UX or WordPress or other things that interest me, like B2B2C. Today, I want to talk about interviewing. Why? Lately, I’ve been...